Software Development Solution Service in Bangladesh


ERP Solution Service in Bangladesh

We are one of the best ERP solution provider in Bangladesh. Our ERP able to meet the exact requirements as per client specific requirements. Our ERP designed to be a type of enterprise solution for larger businesses.

  • Sales Management
  • Purchase Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Production Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Accounting Management
  • Financial Management
  • Payrool Management
  • CRM
  • Commercial Management

Enterprise Resource Planning aka ERP is a software module that is used to manage all the business activities. Generally, this software system is used by organizations for their activities on project management, accounting, risk management and other procurements. This module will help a company or organization to help plan, predict, forecast, budget and generating reports based on financial results.

So, you might be wondering how can you get this kind of ERP solution for your business. Then, Trustseobd presents you the best ERP software in Bangladesh with a very cheap rate yet the top-class performance. Our easy to use ERP solution will help you make the most powerful reports with accounting and financial factors. You can be anywhere to use your ERP as it is online based automated inventory purchase and sales transactions.

What we offer:

  1. Purchase Management: Trustseobd offers the best deal with all your buy forms, making buy orders, getting merchandise, making installments and enables you to return products. It willgenerate a buy receipt to give your sellers a payment record. On the other hand, scheduled delivery will automatically be created for your customers.
  2. Customer Management:Deliver something other than an item to keep clients returning to you, by giving short request process durations, quick conveyance, top notch, custom setups, extensive help and exact invoices. With Trustseobd Customer Management software he client list can be sent out in a CSV or PDF record design for review and editing in a spreadsheet position or for mailing and printing with appropriate data.Clients can be managed based on their terms of relationship with you. The best part is you can do the majority of this progressing!
  3. Product Management:
  4. Vendor Management:With Trustseobd ERP, you can keep up far-reaching data about your merchants including installment terms, shipping address, contact data and so on. It is anything but difficult to make new clients and build up their opening adjusts. Utilize graphical portrayals of your key seller’s dependent on exchange adds up to guarantee appropriate arrangements.
  5. Sales Management: Trustseobd sales management covers the wholesale cycle by enabling you to put in a business request, produce a receipt and get an installment. The connection of a receipt and a business request gives you a better understanding of your business. It will also create cash sales receipts in multiple currencies to provide for your clients as a payment record.
  6. Billing Management: In Trustseobd , your ERP software will create computerized deals invoices effectively for your clients including finance charged and discount citation based on the buy orders. The billing management software that Trustseobd provides can flawlessly deal with the ‘Cover Deal’ request for items that are acquired by installment and delivered at a scheduled time
  7. Stock Management: Using a warehouse and display as stock and maintaining a balance between them for further production is not an easy task. That’s why Trustseobd introduces Stock Management system to get the correct item at the ideal spot at the perfect time. It keeps up a central storehouse of all small places identified with stock, items and things over the chain of stores. It also enables clients to deal with every single stock activity, from requests and receipts to between store stock exchange, day by day reviews and more.All stores stock causes the client to get ready for stock development crosswise over different stores.



HR and Payroll Software in Bangladesh


Trust SEO BD is the best HR and Payroll software in Bangladesh. We are very much experienced around HR and Payroll software since 2000. In the meanwhile we are able to meet the clients requirements and it’s really functional!

Basically, a strategy for taking care of most of your fundamental HR record-keeping is the primary task of HR Software. This is also included with Payroll software and worker records. Without a program to deal with these procedures, your HR group will finish up investing most of their energy managing unimportant, repetitive data entry. While they need to invest time in genuine HR ventures, for example, thinking of approaches to build representative morale and profitability or new worker preparing programs.

So, Trust SEO BD introduces you to the best HR and Payroll Software in Bangladesh. With our software solution, you can easily track leaves, customize rules and centralized whole information of your business.

Our Features Are:

  1. Human Resource Management: Create organization hierarchies, customize the landing page and set structure and report rights for every client level. Create various HRIS reports utilizing the report generator and worker or employee search engine.
  2. Recruitment Management: Recruit staffs by the sorting you desire on job sites to consequently download potential hopeful CVs and direct tests, interviews, produce offer letters and convert chosen competitor information into workers or employee within a short amount of time.
  3. Attendance Management: Get continuous attendance information from any sort order, naturally, all around and figure late coming, early going and extra time approaches or overtime policies.
  4. Leave Management: Trust SEO BD HR programming has a worldwide leave module where you can set leave framework for any of your workers or employees and keep track of the leave all in one place.
  5. Payroll Management: Regardless of whether you have the most mind complex finance on the planet, Trust SEO BD Payroll Management can deal with it easily. Make unlimited pay heads utilizing extremely amazing formulas and parameters to calculate credits, rewards, salaries, bonuses, loans and tax estimations.
  6. Help desk Management: Any sort of work process demand issues can be raised, referred to the suitable representatives and its encouraging can be followed to see whether that issue is as yet resolved or hung up.

Say goodbye to the pressure, stress and hassle of business payroll and Human Resource system. Our all-in-one online HR and Payroll limits manual information passage, data entry, record keeping, and guarantees more accurate all over the payroll and HR solution. Our HR software arrangements help to change over manual recording frameworks and administrative work to electronic documents.

This can decrease the potential for mistakes and representative data releases and misfortunes, all while serving to significantly improved association inside the organization. Via robotizing these procedures, organizations can take a glance at post-employment opportunity to choose from social media and other chosen destinations. This procedure expands candidate pools and preferably helps the nature of the organization workforce.

Trust SEO BD HR and Payroll software company in Bangladesh. We offers to learn the executives or employee frameworks that keep tabs on whole working units’ development through preparing modules. This software likewise refreshes the data to incorporate new qualification for positions and key perspectives that needed to be noted on the final recruitment program. We also provide chat services and different sorts of a communication system for better communication among the administrative panel,

Trust SEO BD helping HR and Payorll Software solution in Bangladesh. We offers intelligent human resource and Payroll management system in Bangladesh.

HR & Payroll Management:

Organizational Setup

    1. Company Information
    2. Location, Department, Designation
    3. HR Responsibilities Setup
    4. Organogram Setup based on Department, Designation & HR Responsibilities.
    5. Currency (Organizational base-currency by which Org make money transaction)
    6. Shift (Attendance Schedule)
    7. Roster Plan
    8. Holidays (Public or Occasional holidays such as Eid, Independent Day etc.)
    9. Department Requirement Policy (DRP) : In this module a Department is configured by number of designations, weekly day off and its schedule (Shift)


    1. Employee Information (Both English & Bangla)
    2. Employees biometrics information managing
    3. Employees’ ID Card Management.
    4. Employee Management (OSD, Termination, Discontinuation, Disciplinary Action)
    5. Employee event history (Employment Service History)
    6. Letter Management (issued latter mgt)
    7. Appointment Letter (Re-Print)
    8. Experience Letter
    9. Salary Certificate
    10. Transfer, Increment & Promotion Letter
    11. Release / Termination Letter


Attendance Information System

    • Attendance policy management (e.g. working calendar and shift will be applied on individual employee)
    • Attendance Session declaration
    • Attendance Session Holiday declaration
    • Attendance Scheme
    • Attendance Scheme Upgrade with history.
    • Data collections from third party finger print or card punch devices.
    • Attendance Process (Rollback, Re-Process, Freeze)
    • Attendance Record
    • Manual Attendance
    • All sort of attendance reports; individual, group wise, floor wise, department wise, late, absent, overtime, etc.

Leave management

    • Grade and scale wise leave policy management
    • Employee wise leave policy management
    • Online leave issue, approval, cancellation, reconciliation management
    • Individual Leave account management
    • Reports on leave management


    • Salary Head Information (Both English & Bangla).
    • Salary Scheme; Grade and scale wise payroll policy & rule configuration (user defined dynamic equations)
    • Payroll process management (for both salary based or wages based schemes)
    • Other allowance that depends on attendance & other action
    • Taxation
    • Bonus and arrear management
    • Set Employee Salary Structure.
    • Working documents automatic generation like salary sheet, bank advice, individual payments slip, etc.
    • Wide range of reporting on payroll management

TDS,PF (Provident Fund) and Gratuity.

Reports, Utilities & Value addition features:

    • Organizational Hand Book (Department wise) at a glance.
    • Department wise Handbook
    • Recruiting
    • Candidate CV
    • Sorted Candidate List
    • Interview Result
    • PIMS
    • Employee CV
    • Employee History (Performance & action event)
    • Attendance
    • Daily Attendance record
    • Monthly / Yearly Attendance Report
    • Employee wise attendance report
    • Daily Attendance Monitoring
    • Daily Absent report
    • Salary Scheme List
    • Employee Salary List as per scheme
    • Bank Advice
    • Employee Wages Report (Production Base)
    • Wide range of DSS reports as well as customized reports
    • Management Dashboard
    • Employee Dashboard


    • DSS & MIS configuration
    • DSS & MIS tools (data mining)
    • Dash boards
  • Technologies & Practices Standard Compliance
  • Software development environment and approach:

An ICS extended technology using the following tools, technologies and environment the whole service will be ensured;

  1. Development environment: .net in Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
  2. Development language & Script: C#, ASP, Java Script
  3. Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2012
  4. Development Approach: In order to deliver a quality software product, Software Engineering approach will be followed in the total life cycle of service/software from initialization to cut-over/ hand-over/ support-service and configuration management.
    • Employee Salary Sheet for particular month
    • Pay Slip


Accounting Management Software in Bangladesh

While “Inventory Management” sounds like it’s a basic following of what you have, stock administration programming really goes a few dimensions profound. The product ought to incorporate within any event one other back-end office framework, in particular, with either your bookkeeping or business assets arranging bundle. An Inventory Management software’s capacity is to follow those stockroom things through securing, deals, or use forms; find them crosswise over one or numerous distribution centers, and value (cost) the stock (at times in various monetary standards) so you know the estimation of things you have in stock for bookkeeping purposes.

Along these lines, Inventory Management software now and then covers with the run of the mill resource the executives programming. Center usefulness certainly revolves around your stock dimensions, yet this sort of programming likewise tracks deals, buy orders, and other important receipts. Beside record keeping, Inventory Management programming is additionally frequently attached to purpose of Sale (POS) programming in numerous retail and customer facing complex business activities. Exceptionally little activities can pull off satisfying these capacities with a straightforward spreadsheet. In any case, any business bigger than that will need the benefit recognizable proof, request following, and production network advancement abilities that a decent stock administration framework conveys.

Inventory Management incorporates more than essentially monitoring what you keep in your stockroom or retail storeroom. Inventory Management likewise incorporates monitoring what’s in your parts office, including singular parts and the blends of those parts used to manufacture different items and administrations. Stock administration likewise includes discovering what your supply your best clients have available. For little to medium size organizations, monitoring every one of these things can get troublesome rapidly in case you’re simply utilizing a spreadsheet to do as such. Tying that stock item data into the majority of different information stages your association utilizes requires a committed programming called Inventory Management programming. Choosing the correct programming bundle for your business can be troublesome as you have to required highlights against the best estimating. To help with this undertaking, we have developed the best Inventory Management software in Bangladesh.


With the inventory management framework:

  1. Tracking Your Inventory: you can monitor your stock and view the stock. Our framework will help you the in-detail track of your stock and will offer you the perspective on stock over your various deals channel. You can now effectively characterize such inquiries identified with your stock.
  2. Reduce the Cost: With Trustseobd can likewise create and control your stock report dependent on the criteria of your stock. These reports will gather information of discounts, guarantee, over-burden inventories and some more.
  3. Delivery Improvement: We know how it is significant for you to do quick conveyance, on the grounds that “Moderate Delivery” signifies “Awful Reputation”, which you don’t need. Trustseobd will help you essentially on improving your conveyance, since you think about stocks in subtleties and can accept the client desires.
  4. What’s Going on and What’s Coming: Making and overseeing plans will be a lot simpler with Trustseobd since you will get the entrance of the information pattern and investigations them. A cutting-edge stock framework will enable you to figure the coming stock.
  5. Make Time for Business: Webforsoution comprehends that time is cash. In this way, does our Inventory Management System. Our polished inventory management will reduce the investing of energy by monitoring every one of your items, reports and different whereabouts.


School Management Software in Bangladesh

Trustseobd, the best school management software, is made to offer the best answer for school and instructive organizations. The product has overhauled the level of the school and has changed the typical school into keen schools, which is the favored decision for new age guardians. The school the board programming has made it communicable to make speedy communication, straightforward tasks, and perfect organizations. Trustseobd is one of the main and most easy to use the school management software and school ERP framework that helps in interfacing the understudies, instructors, and guardians on a single stage.

It is the best school management software that offers a one-stop answer for a wide range of school necessities to automate the information and make the school the executives a problem free procedure. The simple and consistent administration of educators, organization assignments and a superior stage for speaking with understudies and guardians are a portion of the highlights that make Trustseobd the best school management software.

Trustseobd is the finished bundle of ERP school the board programming that offers an answer for all the administration package of the school, regardless of whether it is the confirmation procedure, participation the executives, charge the board, examination record, library the executives, compensation the board, transport the executives or timetable administration. The ERP arrangement additionally causes the school to produce handouts and SMS in multilingual dialects that help in making powerful correspondence with the guardians of various areas.

For instructors, the Trustseobd gives a Teacher’s Calendar that comprises of the exercise plan, timetable, and status that makes it simple for the educators to offer exercises and better instructing. Additionally, it causes instructors to get ready report cards according to the prerequisite and its distribution on the web or on portable applications along these lines settling the greatest effective of educators. Trustseobd offers a wide scope of arrangements and best administration benefits at the best cost to the new companies and huge global schools.

Trustseobd changes schools into smart schools which are dependably the favored decision for new age schools. We are a standout amongst the easiest to use school the board ERP programming that helps in associating the understudies, educators, and guardians on a single platform.

It is a one-stop solution for a wide range of school necessities to computerize the information and make the school the executive’s procedure an issue free procedure. Speedy correspondence, perfect organization, and straightforward tasks are a portion of the features of Trustseobd that rank your school over the rundown of smart schools.

This total automated ERP school management software is the response to every one of your issues, regardless of whether it is the affirmation procedure, participation the executives, expense the board, examination records, library the board, compensation the executives, transport the executives or schedule management.




Software Development

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HR & PayrollBDT2,00,000

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AccountingMost PopularBDT5,00,000

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